Investment opportunities:

  • Banks and investment companies
  • Famous entrepreneurs
  • Well known Industrialists
  • Chambers of commerce
  • Private, reputable owners
  • Well known investors
  • Industrial estates and unions

Marketing strategies:

  • Identify existing investment opportunities in the country that, despite the favorable outlook, are currently facing financial problems, whether in need of working capital or the need for capital to develop their activities.
  • Using the potential of successful and active private groups in different industries of the country.
  • Using the existing opportunities among universities and entrepreneurship centers.
  • Identifying opportunities by attending conferences related to the subject of the fund's activities.

Areas of investment:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Chemical products
  • Oil, gas and energy
  • Construction industry and construction materials and equipment
  • Automobile
  • Entertainment
  • Mechatronic
  • Metal and mining
  • Agriculture and husbandry
  • Transportation, logistics and warehousing
  • Technology, communications, information, telecommunications and computer
  • Paper, cardboard and printing
  • Monetary and financial intermediation

Investment process:

  • Compiling a list of investable companies
  • Initial evaluation
  • Technical and financial due diligence and preparation of financial model
  • Investing and concluding a contract with an investee
  • Management and monitoring
  • Exit